Now there are two ways of skinning this cat:

You have the file CompleteSave.dat with all the relevant information in it. The game has now re-created the SnowRunner folder. So I removed my SnowRunner folder C:\Users\ClydeTheGayFish\Documents\MyGames\SnowRunner, started the game and created a new savegame and played through the tutorial to the first garage in Michigan. But it lead me to start tinkering with the savegame file (or one of the savegame files) of my Snowrunner profile. I've had some bad luck with my savegame and it refuses to load in single player, I can still join multiplayer games so that's not really a problem for me. Oh and make a backup of your file beforehand. Do so in a text editor that allows you to format JSON. TL DR: You can unlock all upgrades via editing the CompleteSave.dat file.