These will improve the backpack’s function in a number of ways, including additional storage space and the ability to carry larger stacks of some items. These points can be used to apply some 20 different upgrades to backpacks, and the more empty slots a backpack has, the more upgrades that can be crafted into it. But the upgrade points are a little different. The first part of that is easy to understand – better backpacks will carry more items for the wearer. As the backpack improves, it gets more storage space and additional upgrade points.

Basic leather backpacks are the worst and the roomy diamond backpacks are the best of the lot.

There are actually 4 different tiers of backpacks, and iron is just one of them. The Iron Backpacks mod is great for players who are tired of running out of the room while out on resource runs. Sure, the ender chest will let you carry around a second inventory in essence, but it takes such a long time to actually craft one that they aren’t practical at all. Portable storage has always been a problem in Minecraft.